100 days of 100’s, is an attempt to keep our body in the best shape possible by doing 100 reps of different exercises every day for 100 days. We’re curious to see if having a fairly balanced diet and a consistent exercise routine at home, can have a visibly noticeable change in our physical appearance and help switch in our mental attitude towards working out on a daily basis. We started out with the idea that little by little becomes big results… 1 day you do 10 pushups…the next you do 14… the next day you do 20… It’s all about pushing yourself a little bit more each day to where your body is sweating and you start to feel better after it’s done. NOTE: THIS CHALLENGE IS BASED ON GENERAL EXERCISES THAT WORK ALL PARTS OF THE BODY. INPUTTING YOUR OWN EXERCISES IS ENCOURAGED. IF YOU WANT TO SUBMIT YOUR EXERCISES, FEEL FREE TO DO SO BY EMAILING US.
EVERY. SINGLE. DAY. – Every day (if you’re not at your local gym, that is) you MUST complete your chosen exercise(s) of 100. (Download the list provided below) No excuses. We’ve clocked ourselves at getting this done in 10-25 mins. You want to focus on doing the exercises right but also with as little rest as possible. A little sweat everyday is positive.
WEIGH YOURSELF AND WRITE THINGS DOWN – You must weigh yourself everyday and report it. This is one of our biggest problems with results. We don’t write down accomplishments and we forget about it. Also, if you gorged or drank a little too much on certain nights, make sure to report those cheat nights so that you can break those habits with your positive results.
WATCH YOUR DIET – You can still enjoy great food. Portion control and selective eating days will help you achieve the best results. Try portioned, premade lunches from home, snacking on things like almonds or low carb/low sugar snack bars or fruit and drinking plenty of water. If you know you’re going out for a drink with friends at night, make sure the rest of your week is filled with healthy habits that are going to. We understand that everyone has a different lifestyle but to see any REAL results. Seeing a big change in your physical appearance is 80% diet, 20% exercise. Make a real effort to
MEASURE YOUR PROGRESS – We’ll be taking pictures from the start and then after 25 days…50…75…100 days. These photos will help you see progress or see that you’re not working hard enough. Be as consistent as possible.
YOU SHOULD BE SWEATING – If your not breaking a sweat after doing these exercises, you’re either a. doing them wrong or b. not doing them hard enough. In many cases, not sweating during a workout just means that you have to exercise longer and more intensely. We’re trying to tap into basic HIIT training conventions. Think of it like this: If it takes you 30 seconds to do 10 roll outs, you have 30 seconds to rest until you start your next exercise. Make sure to take deep breaths, flex, extend, or bend slowly in your exercises and make sure whatever muscle you’re working feels exhausted.
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We’ll be starting our “100 days of 100’s” on February 28th and tentatively ending on around June 7th. NOTE - If you cannot work out everyday, just try and get as many consecutive days as possible in with your exercises. We know you’re busy, but taking 10-20 minutes is nothing compared to what you’re doing to your body while sitting at a desk/or not moving at all.